Currency exchange branches in Nador

Global Exchange offers you a currency exchange service at Nador International Airport, 365 days a year. You will find us both in the departures and arrivals areas. To see the exact location of each of them, click on the office you are interested in.

Find your office at the airport

Departures branch

Nador Al Aroui (Ref. MA0016)

BP 62550 - Nador ()

Open all year round. Opening hours: 7h - 24h.

Find our branch:

The branch is located at the entrance of the airport, next to the baggage check-in counters.

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Arrivals branch

Nador Al Aroui (Ref. MA0017)

BP 62550 - Nador ()

Open all year round. Opening hours: 7h - 24h.

Find our branch:

The branch is located at the passenger exit on your left, right next to the offices of the MOHAMED 6 foundation and the BMCE bank.

Any questions? Do you want to order by phone?

Call us: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm

(+212) 522 78 64 44 / (+212) 800 094 444